C'est un secret pour personne non plus que toutes les "compacts cars" US de l'époque etaient plus ou moins copiées sur les japonaises importées, plus petites que les full size, et plus adaptées à la crise pétroliere.....
Maintenant à savoir si les constructeurs US ont su contrer l'invasion niponne.....
"During the 1960s, compacts were the smallest class of North American cars (and much bigger than those elsewhere), but they had evolved into only slightly smaller versions of the 6-cylinder or V8-powered two-bench six-passenger sedan. They were much larger than imports by makers such as Volkswagen and Datsun, which were typically five-passenger 4-cylinder engine cars, even though ads for the Ford Maverick and Rambler American would make comparisons with the popular Volkswagen Beetle. In the early 1970s, the domestic automakers introduced even smaller subcompact cars that included the AMC Gremlin, Chevrolet Vega, and Ford Pinto."