Momentum Race Group Chevrolet Camaro

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Momentum Race Group to run Camaros in KONI Challenge by Drew Phillips on Aug 8th, 2009 at 7:02PM


Momentum Race Group Chevrolet Camaro - Click above for a high-res image gallery

It might be late, but it's better than never. The Chevrolet Camaro is set to battle the Ford Mustang and the Dodge Challenger in the KONI Sports Car Challenge race series under the banner of Momentum Race Group. The Dallas-based race outfit will run a two-car team featuring a 2010 Camaro prepared by Riley Technologies and a lineup of well-seasoned drivers including SPEED World Challenge veterans Robb Holland and Jeff Altenburg. To prepare for the 2010 season against the dominant Mustangs and BMWs, both teams will begin testing in September and are even scheduled to compete in the last race of the season at Virginia International Raceway in October. You can read more about the team and their plans for the Camaro in the press release after the jump. Thanks for the tip, Trentor_Drive!



Gallery: Momentum Race Group Chevrolet Camaro

    [li]momentumcamaro_01_thumbnail.jpg momentumcamaro_02_thumbnail.jpg momentumcamaro_03_thumbnail.jpg momentumcamaro_04_thumbnail.jpg[/li]

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