Mustangs Sonny & Cher custom

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eBay Find of the Day: One-off 1966 Sonny and Cher Ford Mustangs have got you, babe by Dan Roth (RSS feed) on Sep 6th, 2009 at 9:15AM sonny_cher_mustangs.jpg

Sonny & Cher Custom Ford Mustangs -- Click above for image gallery

It appears that the Sonny & Cher custom Ford Mustangs are once again for sale (the kitschy twosome have been making the auction rounds the last couple years). This pair of 1966 Mustang Convertibles originally built by George Barris were sold in February at RM's Collector Cars of Fort Lauderdale event for $198,000.


Prior to the RM sale, the two Ford-commissioned Mustangs hadn't been on the market for 25 years, and spent a least some of that time in the collection of Mustang Country founder Don Chambers. Originally used in the Sonny & Cher film Good Times, the gold and pink pearl droptops, with animal print, shag carpet, and ermine fur interior fitments went out on a subsequent publicity tour and saw some use by the entertainers. Cher only racked up 19,000 miles, while Sonny's car was the beater of the two, having accumulated 24,000 miles. A restoration has since put the cars back into original Kustom Kar Kondition.


The seller apparently wants to peddle these cars into the UK, lists their location as St. Louis, and provides a Florida phone number for contact purposes, so who knows what's up with all that – especially as the cars don't appear to be listed on eBay Motors U.S. Oh, and the asking price is more than £270,000 (around $450,000), a price that will surely have you singing "Baby Don't Go"to your cash. A tip of the cap to Michael D.



Gallery: Sonny & Cher custom Mustangs

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