Dodge Deora Concept de 1965

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Unique 1965 Dodge Deora Concept going up for auction by Drew Phillips (RSS feed) on Sep 5th, 2009 at 1:34PM


1965 Dodge Deora Concept - Click above for a high-res image gallery

Have you ever wanted to own your very own life-sized Hot Wheels car? Here's your chance! As part of RM's Icons of Speed and Style auction at the Petersen Automotive Museum on September 26, a 1965 Dodge Deora Concept will cross the block and go home with the highest bidder. Built by legendary hot rodders Mike and Larry Alexander, the one-off pickup truck won the Ridler Award at the 1967 Detroit Autorama and was immortalized a year later as one of the original 16 Hot Wheels model cars.


The unique design, based on a Dodge A100, includes no side doors but instead a forward-opening glass hatch that is essentially the back of a 1960 Ford station wagon turned 180 degrees. RM estimates that the Deora, which was restored to its original show specs just over ten years ago, should command between $350,000 - $550,000 when it goes up for auction. Follow the jump for more info on this unique showcar and how it came to be.



Gallery: 1965 Dodge Deora Concept

    [li]rw09_r184_01_thumbnail.jpg rw09_r184_02_thumbnail.jpg rw09_r184_03_thumbnail.jpg rw09_r184_04_thumbnail.jpg rw09_r184_05_thumbnail.jpg rw09_r184_06_thumbnail.jpg rw09_r184_07_thumbnail.jpg [/li]


Il y avait un article sur ce truc dans Nitro 234 (juin-juillet 2008), page 22.


Cet article était une traduction de celui-ci de "Truck Trend".

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