Lingenfelter 455 T/A Concept

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The Lingenfelter 455 T/A Concept really is badass by Alex Nunez (RSS feed) on Oct 31st, 2009 at 6:07PM alt=SEMA[/img] lingenfelter_455_t_a_concept_zoom.jpg

Lingenfelter 455 T/A Concept - See more images at

Car and Driver

Car and Driver is the first outlet to post real live photos of the SEMA-bound Lingenfelter 455 T/A Concept. By taking the looks of the '70 Trans Am and adapting them to the new Chevrolet Camaro, Lingenfelter has created something that will have you playing "What if.." scenarios regarding Pontiac over and over again in your heads. Imagine a world in which you could walk into a General Motors dealer and pick between this and the G8 GXP...


Anyway, snap out of it, because that ain't happenin'. We think what's likely to happen, if people go as batsh*t crazy over this creation at SEMA as we think they will, is that Lingenfelter will probably offer the package to customers. That's probably good, anyway, as we can't see GM spending the bucks to offer the 455 T/A's upgraded interior (yeah, it's premium vinyl, baby) and monstrously-upgraded engine. See, that 455 nomenclature's no joke. According to C/D, the 455 CID/7.5-liter V8 rocks an 11.5:1 compression ratio, ported and polished LS7 heads, a new intake and a forged crankshaft. The exhaust is by Corsa, the honeycomb wheels are custom jobs, and most importantly, the engine comes correct with 655 horses and 610 lb-ft. of torque. We'll have plenty more on this bad mofo next week from SEMA. In the meantime, head over to for more images.


[source: Car and Driver via Camaro5 | Image: Patrick M. Hoey]

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