Oldsmobile Cutlass Salon 1975

Posts recommandés


Very nice, great work.


Do you have a full Pypes Exhaust system, or only the muflers ?


Are they good products ? Does they fit fine (or require aditional works) ?


Hey Zola v8, glad you're here :hauhau: (i'm Superdupont from the 73-77 Cutlass forums)


I already told you that, but your car is awesome, it's a great job you're doing :hauhau:


Hope i can see it for real one day :hauhau:


:sweatingbullets::megatop: B)


la vache super resto ;);)


elle déchire l olds :D


Hi Zola, glad to read you here, it's Eric from 73/77 olds forum and from midsize bowties too.

Congratulations for your green beauty, hope the members here will appreciate the job :sweatingbullets:

Hi Zola, glad to read you here, it's Eric from 73/77 olds forum and from midsize bowties too.

Congratulations for your green beauty, hope the members here will appreciate the job  :sweatingbullets:


Hello Eric, it's nice to meet you here!


What's up with the Midsize Bowties site? Do you still visit their board? I haven't been there for a year or so now. There was a change and all the posts disappeared.

What's up with the Midsize Bowties site? Do you still visit their board? I haven't been there for a year or so now. There was a change and all the posts disappeared


I think they loose a lot of members when they mixed classic (73/77 A bodys) and modern (G bodys) forums.

I visited their website two weeks ago and it seems they went back to 73/77 A body only.


Sweet ride ! :hauhau:

  • Il y a 3 ans...
Your car is just awesome :sweatingbullets:


What engine are you gonna put in it?


A fuel injected LS1.

It's probably a shame among the hardcore Olds fans but I want modern performance (and mileage).


Hell yeah! The combination between the white vinyl roof, the chrome wheels and the dark green body paint is absolutely awesome! :hauhau::hauhau:

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